Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Softball Updates

- My apologies for practice running over tonight. As a parent, I know how important it is for our kids to stay on schedule. We will work very hard to make sure that this does not occur again any time soon!

- Team and Individual Pictures will be taken tomorrow night, Varsity at 4:00 and JV at 4:15. I believe the Varsity agreed to wear their gold jerseys, gold shorts, green socks and cleats/shoes. I believe the JV agreed to wear black jerseys, black shorts, gold socks and cleats/shoes. I would encourage everyone to bring both uniforms just in case we need to make an adjustment. If you need a picture order form, click here.

- We are going to try to practice at Champion Fields on Friday afternoon. Remember, the girls are responsible for finding their own way to the fields. Let me know if their are any problems with securing a ride. Please note that we will keep the girls until 5:15.

- Saturday's practice time is up in the air right now. If the weather is nice, we will try to get onto Champion again. But if the weather doesn't cooperate, then we are assigned to practice inside from 8:00 - 10:00 am. We will try to make a final decision by the end of practice on Friday.

- We may be adding a varsity game to the schedule next Tuesday, March 23. Hopefully, we will have confirmation either way before tomorrow's practice.

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