Friday, March 19, 2010

Practice - Saturday, March 20

What a joy it was to get outside and practice tonight. Still a little wet in the OF, but we accomplished nearly all of our goals for the practice in a short period of time.

We have adjusted the practice schedule for tomorrow a little.

- Varsity will practice from 9:00 - 10:30 at U-High. Immediately following practice, the Satchwells have invited the varsity team to attend the pancake and sausage breakfast at the Mennonite Relief Sale at the Interstate Center on Bloomington's west side. Better yet - they're buying! Thank you to the Satchwells for this generous offer.

- JV will practice from 9:00 - 11:00 at U-High, though they may get done a little early as Coach Pessman doesn't want to miss out on the (free) breakfast. Seriously, everyone should be out of the gyms and ready to head home no later than 11:00.

Reminder - we added a game to the varsity schedule on Tuesday, March 23, at 4:00 at O'Neil Park vs. Central Catholic. We hope the weather cooperates and that we see all of you there!

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