Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Answers to FAQs

1. Uniform cost? Cost to the players is minimal. We issue each player at least one uniform, usually two. We collect them back at the end of the season.

2. What doesn't come with the uniform that is needed? We ask them to buy a forest green undershirt (available on our apparel order form), a pair of socks (we will discuss this with them at a later date), and a pair of cleats (whatever they feel comfortable in). Additionally, we encourage them to buy a black UH visor (available on our apparel order form, as well.)

3. When will the practices move to Champion Fields? I don't envision us going to Champion Fields until after spring break. We may even wait until March 22, depending on the date of our first game.

4. Where are you meeting for practice tonight? All practices this week will begin in the U-High gyms. We are discussing changes in the schedule for Wednesday and Friday nights. We will let you know as soon as possible if these changes are made.

5. For the U-High in-town team, we sent in our application early. What should I do to get her on that team or is that something you can do? I will make contact with the people at BNGSA and see if we can't get her preference switched. We are registering with Coach Fritz and listing one other player on the team (Morgan S, Jessica E, Rachel G, Anna F, etc.)

6. When do Spirit wear order forms come out? I will be distributing them at practice tonight . Orders are due to me by 8:00 Friday morning.

7. Physical should be good. Will you check on it for me to make sure? If I have not said anything to your daughter, then she is good to go. As of last night, only 4 players (2 Srs and 2 Jrs)were officially without a physical.

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