Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No open gym this Sunday, Feb. 1

We will not have an open gym this Sunday. Players are encouraged to stop by the Math Office and pick up and outline of Coach Pessman's pre-season workouts.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Coach Sondgeroth now on Facebook

I have created a Facebook page and have created a new group for U-High softball. I don't know exactly what all of this means, but some of the players thought it would be a good idea.

Try becoming my friend - that's probably the only time you'll hear me say I want to be your friend - and then make an attempt to join the "2009 University High School Softball" group.

Hopefully, this will continue to increase the communication between the coaching staff and the players.

Addtional note: for those of you that uss RSS feeds, I have added that capability to this blog. I don't know if it will help, but it certanily can't hurt.

Let me know if any of this works for you or if there is something else that you think I can do to increase the lines of communication.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Open Gym well attended

We had 20 girls attend at least part of today's open gym. That's a fantastic number for January.

The girls are encouraged to start putting in a little more time and effort on their indivudiual conditioning heading into the season. They should start running and may want to consider lifting some weights to build some extra strength in both their arms and legs. Coach Lyons has the weight room open after school every Mon, Wed, and Fri afternoon. Coach Pessman has prepared a workout program that the girls can use/adapt to help them get prepared.

The workout plan will be available in my office after 9:00 Monday morning.

Coach Sondgeroth

Open Gym - TODAY - Sunday, Jan. 25

Today's open gym will run at U-High from Noon until 2:00 pm. Players should enter the school through the northwest entrance by the tennis courts on Gregory St.

Call Coach Sondgeroth at 530-2297 if you have any questiona/concerns or if you need someone to open the door to let you in.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

ISU Softball Tentative Summer Camp Dates

All Purpose Day Camp for gr 2-6 ... June 9-11 ... 9 am - 12 noon
All Purpose Day Camp for gr 7-12 ... June 16-18 ... 9 am - 12 noon
Jr High Clinics ... July 7 ... Pitch 9 am - 12 noon ... Hit 1 - 4 pm
High School Clinics ... July 8 ... Pitch 9 am - 12 noon ... Hit 1 - 4 pm

Go to for information on all ISU summer camps.

Next Open Gym - Sun, Jan. 25

We will hold our next softball open gym on Sun, Jan. 25 from 12 - 2 at U-High. We will throw, field, and run threw some hitting stations. I need at least 2 - 4 catchers in attendance to lighten the load on the ones that were there today.

See you Sunday - Coach Sondgeroth

Directions for open gym

To get into the open gym, you must enter the doors by the tennis courts between 11:45 and 12:05. I will have somebody posted at the door during these times. If you arrive after 12:05, call my cell phone - 530-2297 - and I will have someone get the door for you.

Thanks - Coach Sondgeroth

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Open Gym Guidelines

Reminder - If you are currently participating in a winter sport (girls basketball or cheerleading), you may not pariticpate in an open gym for any other sport at U-High without expressed, written consent of your winter sport coach.

Have your coach e-mail permission for you to participate to me at

Thanks for your cooperation in this matter - Coach Sondgeroth

Reminder - Open Gym on Sunday, Jan. 18

Don't forget the softball open gym scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 18, from noon - 2:00 pm in the U-High gyms.

Because we did not have school on Wed, Thu, or Fri, many interested players did not see the announcement. Please pass along information regarding this open gm to all of your friends and/or classmates who may be interested in playing this year.

On a related note, only 6 players have signed up as followers of this blog. That means only 6 people get automatic updates when I post new information. Encourage your teammates to sign up as a follower of this blog so they can stay up-to-date during the upcoming season.

I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow afternoon - Coach Sondgeroth

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Open Gyms to begin soon ...

It's time to loosen up the gloves and dust off the bats! Softball season is just around the corner.

To help us get loosened up before the real work begins, we will begin hosting open gym time. The first of these is scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 18, from 12:00 - 2:00 in the U-High gyms.

Open gym time is your opportunity to come in and work on your basic skill development - throwing, fielding, pitching, and - hopefully - hitting. I assume the cage will still be available, but with all of the heater problems in the gyms I can't be sure.

If you plan to attend, please send me an e-mail so I can make sure we have sufficient space and activities available.

Coach Sondgeroth