Friday, April 10, 2009

Game Plan for Saturday, April 11

It looks like the rain is letting up, so now we just have to hope that enough drying takes place between tonight and tomorrow morning. I have not had any contact with Bloomington as of 6:00 pm on Friday, so I don't have any idea what there alternate plans may be. We will make the call at Champion.

We will make our initial check of the fields at 8:00 am and will contact people immediately if there is any change in the schedule. Make sure that everyone knows where their phone tree is located so we can contact everyone in a timely fashion tomorrow morning. Options include starting later in the day. If that is the case, we will probably drop down to only one game. We may also consider moving the varsity games to Champion if Bloomington's field is not playable.

Varsity is scheduled to play 2 games tomorrow at the softball field located northwest of Bloomington High School off of Empire St. JV is scheduled to play 2 games at Champion Fields #5 against Bloomington. In both cases, the first game is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am. Players should be at the field dressed and ready to warm-up by 9:00 am.

I assume we will have 20 - 30 minutes available between games for the girls to grab a bite to eat. Each girl should pack something to drink and eat quickly so we can get back on the field and get ready for the second game.

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