Thursday, April 30, 2009

Schedule Update - Thursday, April 30

JV game at Rantoul has been cancelled. No make-up date has been scheduled at this time.

JV will meet in the small gym at 3:00 for a team meeting.

Varsity will practice from 6:30 - 8:00 at U-High.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Schedule Update - Tuesday, April 28

Both games for today have been cancelled. The Varsity game will be played tomorrow night (weather permitting) at Champion #7 at 4:30.

Since the JV already has a game scheduled for tomorrow night (4:30 @ C#6 vs Clinton), their game has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 30 at 4:30 AT RANTOUL. JV players will be dismissed at 2:00 and the vans will leave from the parking lot by the tennis courts between 2:15 and 2:30.

Since baseball will not be practicing tonight, we will move our practice up and run a full practice for both squads from 6:00 - 7:30. Players that want extra time in the cage may an additional 30 minutes. Everyone will be out of the gyms no later than 8:00!!!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Game Update - Monday, April 27

Tonight's game with El Paso-Gridley has been cancelled. No make-up date has been set. Players may attend an OPTIONAL hitting practice from 3:00 - 4:30 at U-High.

We are trying to add a game on Wednesday, April 29, with Peoria Richwoods. We hope to hear back from them first thing tomorrow morning.

Game Update - Monday, April 27

As of 1:30 pm, our game with El Paso-Gridley is still on for tonight. However, we are moving the game out to Champion #6 in preparation of uncooperative weather later today.

Game time is still 4:30 - players should report to the field no later than 3:30 pm.

I believe the JV team is practicing inside from 3:30 - 5:00 rain or shine. Contact Coach Pessman directly if you have questions.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Schedule Updates

Please make sure you have the following changes added to your schedule/calendar ...

Wed, April 29 - JV Home vs Clinton at C6 at 4:30

Fri, May 1 - Var @ Normal West @ Maxwell at 4:15

Mon, May 4 - Var (FV) and JV (C6) home vs Pontiac at 4:30

Tue, May 5 - JV game with Central Catholic cancelled

Thu, May 7 - We may cancel the JV game at Pontiac and try to move it to Wed, May 13

Sat, May 9 - JV @ Rantoul for Corn Belt Conference JV Tournament - times TBA

Tue, May 12 - JV game with Eureka cancelled

Wed, May 13 - We may cancel the JV game on Thu, May 7, at Pontiac and move it to this date

Sat, May 16 - JV will play in Maroa-Forsythe JV tournament - times TBA

Tue, May 19 - Var (FV) and JV (C6) home vs Streator at 4:30

Wed, May 20 - Var and JV game with Streator cancelled and moved back to Tue, May 19

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Game Update - Saturday, April 25

Due to the rain, all of today's games in the Delavan Tournament have been cancelled.

We will not have practice today. Our next game is Monday, April 27, against El Paso - Gridley. We are scheduled to play at Fairview at 4:30.

Don't forget to add the rescheduled varsity games to your schedule - Fri, May 1 vs Normal West @ Maxwell at 4;15 and Mon, May 4 vs Pontiac @ Fairview at 4:30.

Additionally, the game against Streator, originally scheduled for May 20, has been moved to Tuesday, May 19, same time and place - 4:30 @ Fairview.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Schedule Update - Thursday, April 23

Tomorrow night's games in Mahomet begin at 5:00 pm. Girls should be on the bus ready to leave U-High by 3:15. We do not have an official early release due to the later start of the game.

The Varsity plays at the high school (302 W State St; Mahomet, IL 61853-7033).

Their website says the JV will play south of the junior high at 13 Acre Park, located to the southwest of the intersection of Main and Division. A crude map of the field locations can be found at:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Delavan Tournament Update

Our first game in the Delavan Tournament is scheduled for Friday, April 24, at 6:30 pm vs. Peoria Christian and will be played at the Lake Diamond.

Win or lose, our second game will be played at 10:00 am - site and opponent to be determined by Friday's result.

If we lose our first two games, the schedule does not show us playing a third game. Should we win at least one of our first two games, then we would play our third game at either 3:00 or 5:00, site and opponent to be determined.

Because of the potential lay-off, the girls were hoping that the parents might be willing to put together a Small lunch for them on Saturday. If any parent is interested in spearheading this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Schedule Update - Wednesday, April 22

We have rescheduled tonight's rain out for tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22, at 4:30 pm. The game is currently scheduled for Fairview, but I don't think we will be able to play there. Positive confirmation moving the game to Champion will follow tomorrow morning.

The JV team will play there previously scheduled game with Normal Comm. at 4:30 pm on Champion #6.

Remember ... we have rescheduled the VARSITY game with Normal West for 4:15 pm on Friday, May 1, at Maxwell and both games with Pontiac for 4:30 pm on Monday, May 4 (Varsity at Fairview and JV at Champion #6).

Practice Update - Tuesday, April 21

Though I have not received confirmation from Coach Pessman, I believe the JV is practicing today from 5:00 - 7:00 today @ U-High. The Varsity will have an optional hitting practice from 5:00 - 6:00 in the small gym at U-High.

Game Update - Tuesday, April 21

Both of tonight's games have been postponed due to the poor weather conditions. We will attempt the Varsity game tomorrow night at 4:30 at Fairview. Since the JV was already scheduled to play Normal Comm at Champion #6 at 4:30. We will attempt to schedule to JV game at a later date.

Information on practice will follow later this afternoon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Practice Update - Monday, April 20

Due to the inclement weather, we will practice INSIDE from 5:00 - 7:00 pm @ U-High.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Week Ahead

Sorry for the confusion I caused on Friday. WE DO NOT HAVE A GAME ON MONDAY!

Monday, April 20 - If outside, everyone practices 3:30 - 5:30 with location TBA. If inside, everyone goes from 5:00 - 7:00.

Tuesday, April 21 - Home vs. Prairie Central @ 4:30 - Varsity plays at Fairview and JV at Champion #6. If inside, everyone goes from 5:00 - 7:00.

Wednesday, April 22 - JV Home vs NCHS @ 4:30 @ Champion #6. If outside, Varsity practices 3:30 - 5:00 @ Fairview. If inside, everybody goes 5:00 - 7:00 at U-High.

Thursday, April 23 - Away @ Mahomet @ 5:00 - All players (varsity and JV) dismissed at 2:45 and bus leaves at 3:05. If inside, everyone goes 5:00 - 7:00 at U-High.

Friday, April 24 - Varsity @ Delavan Tournament - Dismiss at 2:00 and leave at 2:30. JV practice outside at Fairview from 3:30 - 5:30. If inside everyone goes at 5:00.

Saturday, April 25 - Varsity @ Delavan Tournament - departure time TBA. JV Home vs Clinton at Champion #6 at 10:00. Report to diamond by 9:00 am.

Congratulations JV!!!!!

The JV team won 2 of 3 games today to take 3rd place in the Tri-Valley JV Tournament. Congrats Girls!!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Schedule Update for April 17 - 18

Friday, April 18
Varsity @ Normal Comm starting at 4:30. Players should be dressed and at the field by 3:30.
JV practices at Fairview from 3:30 - 5:30.

Saturday, April 19
Varisty - tentative hitting session from 11:00 am - 12:00 noon.
JV @ Tri-Valley Tournament - 1st game at 8:30 vs Tri-Valley.

Stats Available Online

Step 1 - Go to

Step 2 - Under the Search Menu in the left-hand column, select "HS-Var" for varsity stats or "HS-JV" for junior varsity stats

Step 3 - From the list of schools provided, click on "UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL (NORMAL)"

Step 4 - Under "Team Info", click on "Team Stats" or "Player Averages"

Step 5 - Click on the appropriate stats that you want: Offensive Stats, Fielding Stats, Pitching Stats, or Catching Stats. At this time, we have only entered Offensive and Pitching Stats for the varsity team.

Contact Coach Sondgeroth or Coach Pessman if you have trouble accessing this information.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cancellations have been rescheduled

Friday, May 1 vs Normal West
Varsity @ Maxwell Park - 4:15 pm

Monday, May 4 vs Pontiac
Varsity @ Fairview - 4:30 pm
JV @ Champion #6 - 4:30 pm

Wednesday, May 6 vs Normal West
JV @ Maxwell Park - 4:30 pm

JV game w/ Eureka on Tuesday, May 12, has been cancelled.

We have added 2 one-day tournaments for the JV team:
Sat, May 9 - Corn Belt Conference JV Tournament
Sat, May 16 - Maroa-Forsythe Round Robin JV Tournament

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Schedule Update - Tuesday, April 14

Due to the nasty weather, both the Varsity and JV games scheduled with Pontiac today have been cancelled. No make-up date has been set at this time.

Both teams will practice from 3:15 - 5:00 in the gyms at U-High.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Practice Update - Monday, April 13

Due to the poor weather conditions, both teams will practice inside today from 3:20 - 5:00.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We're playing

All games will be played as scheduled beginning 10:00 am. Call Coach Sondgeroth at 309-530-2297 if you have questions.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Game Plan for Saturday, April 11

It looks like the rain is letting up, so now we just have to hope that enough drying takes place between tonight and tomorrow morning. I have not had any contact with Bloomington as of 6:00 pm on Friday, so I don't have any idea what there alternate plans may be. We will make the call at Champion.

We will make our initial check of the fields at 8:00 am and will contact people immediately if there is any change in the schedule. Make sure that everyone knows where their phone tree is located so we can contact everyone in a timely fashion tomorrow morning. Options include starting later in the day. If that is the case, we will probably drop down to only one game. We may also consider moving the varsity games to Champion if Bloomington's field is not playable.

Varsity is scheduled to play 2 games tomorrow at the softball field located northwest of Bloomington High School off of Empire St. JV is scheduled to play 2 games at Champion Fields #5 against Bloomington. In both cases, the first game is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am. Players should be at the field dressed and ready to warm-up by 9:00 am.

I assume we will have 20 - 30 minutes available between games for the girls to grab a bite to eat. Each girl should pack something to drink and eat quickly so we can get back on the field and get ready for the second game.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Schedule Update - Thursday, April 9

Due to low numbers at Central Catholic, the JV game will now be played immediately following the Varsity game tomorrow night. Both games will be played at O'Neil Park in west Bloomington.

Additionally, the Varsity game will begin at 4:00. Varsity players will be dismissed at 2:45 and should be at the field ready to begin warming up by 3:15. JV players should be at the field by 4:00.

O'Neil Park is located on the east side of White Oak Rd (Old Rt. 66) north of Market Street in west Bloomington. From U-High, take College Ave west. Go past Parkside Elementary School and pass under I-55/74. Turn left at the stop light. This is White Oak Rd / Old Rt. 66. Follow this road to the field. Maps are available in my office.

Practice Update - Wednesday, April 8

We will practice outside tonight from 3:30 - 5:30. We're not sure of the exact location(s) yet - check the board after 1:00 to find out where your team has been assigned.

If we can not get outside after school, then we will NOT practice later in the evening.

April Practice Schedule

Spring practice schedules are tricky, as our first goal is always to go outside if the weather cooperates. However, there is a schedule for the gym if we should have to go inside.

On the U-High homepage, look for the "Athletics/Activities" section in the right hand column. You will see a links to "Games/Events" (where you can download our schedules) and "Practices" (where you can download the current practice schedule). We do make adjustments to the practice schedule an a fairly regular basis, so it is always a good idea to check back from time to time to make sure things haven't changed.

I apologize for any confusion - Coach Sondgeroth

Monday, April 6, 2009

Schedule Update for Tuesday, 4/7

As of this afternoon, the games for tomorrow were still on. There is, however, one major change to share with you.

Both the Varsity and JV games will be played at Olympia. Initially, the JV was to play at home, but they will now travel with the varsity to Olympia. The girls are dismissed from class at 2:45 and the bus will leave at 3:00.

The weather forecast calls for a high in the upper 40's. But winds from 20 - 30 mph will make things quite chilly. I have encouraged the girls to pack accordingly: gloves, hats, jackets, blankets, etc.

GAME CANCELED - Monday, April 6

Today's games with Normal West have been cancelled due to the poor weather conditions. No make-up date has been set at this time. We will practice in the U-High gyms tonight from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Schedule Update - Monday, April 6

We have games scheduled at Maxwell Park against Normal West at 4:15 for both the Varsity and JV teams. Players are responsible for finding their own transportation to the field and should be ready to begin warm-ups by 3:20.

Unfortunately, the weatherman has scheduled 1 - 2 inches of snow and a high temp in the upper 30's. IF the game is canceled, then we will practice from 7:00 - 9:00 in the gyms at U-High. Yes, I know practice will run later than Lindsay Schroeder's bedtime, but we clearly have some areas of our game that need improvement.