Saturday, February 27, 2010

Open Gym This Sunday

12 - 2 PM in the U-High Gyms. See you there!

BNGSA In-town Registration

Reminder to all girls planning to play on the BNGSA in-town team ... Final registration session will be held today at Coleen Hoose from 12-2 PM. On your form, there is a place to request a coach (Fritz) and one player (Morgan S, Rachel G, or Jessica E are all planning to play on the team).

Forms can also be mailed. If they are postmarked by postmarked by Feb. 28, the fee is $65. If postmarked by March 15, the fee is $75. If ostmarked after March 15, you may not get on the team.

Let me know if you have questions -

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My apologies ...

I forgot to distribute Dick's Sporting Goods coupons at the meeting last night. Coupons get you 10 - 15% off lots of softball related items. Players should see me if you (or your parents who have to buy most of the stuff) are interested.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My mistake ...

PLAYERS and their parents should both attend tonight's meeting at 6:00 in the U-High Large Gym. We will discuss game schedules, practice schedules, equipment orders and more.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Spring Sports Parent Meeting

Please remind your parents to attend the Spring Sports Parent Meeting on Wed, Feb. 24, at 6:00 pm in the Large Gym at U-High.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Next Open Gym

We will hold an open gym this Sunday, Feb. 21, from 12:00 - 2:00 pm at U-High.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Booster Club

We need a parent rep to work with the Booster Club sports rep, Tom Dulee. If interested, contact Coach Sondgeroth.

Short Meeting TODAY

Short meeting after school today, Fri, Feb. 19, for any softball player planning to play intown BNGSA this summer. Let's meet in Rm. 216 from 3:05 - 3:20.

Spring Parent Meeting - Wed, Feb. 24

The annual Parent Meeting for all Spring sports has been scheduled for Wed, Feb. 24, @ 6:00 pm in the Large Gym @ U-High. Please remind your parents that it is very important that they attend this meeting. Go to U-High website for more info.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

T-Shirt artwork is done!

Seniors - see me asap to review the t-shirt artwork and to make final recommendations for apparel.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Let me know if you want to meet on Monday -

Friday, February 5, 2010

Open Gym - Sunday, February 7

12:00 - doors open
12:15 workouts begin
1:45 - workouts end
2:00 - everyone on their way home

Pitchers and and catchers need to let me know ASAP what their plans are for the weekend!

If you are thinking about playing sports in college ...

I received the following article in an e-mail from the moderator of a softball coaching group to which I belong. I thought those of you considering college softball might find the information in this article very interesting. Enjoy!

Last night I held an information session for the coaches, players, and parents of my association. The purpose of the seminar was to educate them about college softball. I talked about the reality of college softball, the recruitment process, the academic requirements, what coaches are looking for, and so on.

I also spent time explaining to the young athletes that were present that besides refining their softball skills and having the best grades possible in school, they have to pay attention to the little things. I told them that college coaches are often looking at these little things to give them an idea of the personality of the player. They want serious and committed athletes and want to avoid potential slackers or trouble makers.

Here's a sample of the little things they might be looking at...
- How do you respond to your coaches and teammates?
- How respectful are you with everybody?
- How do you treat your parents? <--- Mike Candrea told me that one!
- Do you hustle like running on and off the field?
- Do you look professional like having your shirt tucked in?
- Is your stuff organized or are you always looking for your glove, bat, etc.?
- Are you prepared to compete?
- Do you take the game seriously or do you just goof around?

There are a lot more but you get the idea. These little things reveal a lot about your personality, your mindset and your character. And personality traits, character and a winning mindset are absolutely crucial to a softball program. Good coaches know that and will try to recruit athletes with that possess it and evaluate that through the little things that I've listed above.

Do you pay attention to the little things? They do matter a lot. Think about it.

Coach Marc - "Your Softball Peak Performance Coach"

Now about what Marc said...

I really can't emphasize enough the importance of having a plan for college recruiting and definitely paying attention to the "little" things like Marc talked about earlier today. I've heard a number of college coaches say they pay attention to appearance and the condition of your equipment. Why?

Because it gives them an insight to the respect and pride you have in yourself (based upon the care you put into how you present and carry yourself) and the respect you have for the game (based upon how you care for and treat your equipment from your shoes, to your glove, to your bat).

Also - don't think that just because you are moving through high school, that you are getting closer to playing at the next level. I know some student-athletes who are sophomores right now that are actually further away from their goal of playing at the college level than when they were a freshman. How is that possible?

Well, as a freshman in high school, it's likely you have no grades or transcripts to speak of and probably no college contacts either. However, you do have just about all possible scholarship/roster spots for your class still available.

Now take current sophomores. Some still don't have college contacts. Some now have grades, but they are NOT the kind coaches are looking for (so in essence, they moved themselves away from their goal by making poor choices academically). In addition, they now have less time to make contacts, less time to work on academics, more of a academic hole to dig themselves out of AND it's possible that college coaches have already filled some of their roster spots for that graduating year so already
less opportunities than the year before.

Can you see how simply being a sophomore doesn't necessarily mean that you are closer to your goal of higher education? In fact it's possible that, if you don't have a plan and you are not making the right choices on and off the field, you may now be in a slightly "worse" position than you were as an incoming
high school freshman. Yikes!

Plan and be meticulous about your efforts. Give your best in everything that you do! Have a good one and each day, strive to move closer to your ultimate goals.

Stacie Mahoe